
Friday, June 19, 2015

                Analyzing my results blog post                                   Brett Blomquist

1.I am trying to understand how many people view the traffic in downtown Reading is a problem and how they think we could fix it.

2. Yes, people who had driven for longer usually had an easier time driving in downtown Reading.
3.I don't think i would change anything about my survey.

4. No there was not a big difference between the girls and boys results.

5. The question that told me the most was what would you do to fix downtown Reading because many people said they needed to fix the lights.

6.Most people agreed the traffic in downtown Reading was a problem but only half agreed it was worth the money to fix it. Most people agreed there are too many light and they were the problem in down town Reading. About a third of people said they avoided driving in downtown Reading.

7. I liked that you learned how to make surveys and do market research because it is important in life and a valuable skill,

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Write and Predict                   Brett Blomquist

1. Finding the right ticket prices
2. getting the correct sponsorship value
3. finding the correct amount of workers.

1. Getting the right players
2. spreading knowledge of my team

1. I think it is important to get the correct ticket prices because if they are too high no one will come but if they are too low you won't make much money.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

                                         Blog Post #3

Micheal Jordons Endorsements are Nike, Gatorade, Hanes, Upper Deck, 2K Sports, Presbyterian Healthcare and Five Star Fragrances. David Ortiz's endorsements are Dunkin' Donuts, Fanatics, New Balance and Samsung. Alex Rodriguez lost his endorsements because of his steroid suspension showing public relations is important in Endorsements. Peyton Manning has m,any endorsements such as  Buick, DirectTV, Gatorade and Papa John's.  Mike Trout endorses Subway, Nike and  BodyArmor SuperDrink. Miguel Caberera endorses Chrystler and New Balance. Jonathan Toews is endorsed by Bauer Hockey, Canadian Tire, Chevrolet and Lemonhead. Andrew Luck is endorsed by Klipsch and Body Armor. Some athletes think about which companies they endorse and want to endorse companies they like and use. There are also athletes who will endorse any company just for money. Athletes make extra money by doing Endorsements.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

                                   Objectives Research

History of Hockey

Historical records show that a crude game of hockey was played in Egypt in 4,000 years ago.
On March 3, 1875, the first organized indoor game was played at Montreal's Victoria Skating Rink between two nine-player teams, including James Creighton and several McGill University students. Instead of a ball or bung, the game featured a "flat circular piece of wood". The goal posts were 8 feet apart  (today's goals are six feet wide).
In 1876, the first game played in Montreal
In 1877, The Gazette  published a list of seven rules
The game became so popular that the first "world championship" of ice hockey was featured in Montreal's annual Winter Carnival in 1883
In 1886 the teams competing at the Winter Carnival organized the Amateur Hockey Association of Canada (AHAC), and played a season comprising "challenges" to the existing champion.
By 1902, the Western Pennsylvania Hockey League was the first to employ professionals. The league joined with teams in Michigan and Ontario to form the first fully professional league—the International Professional Hockey League (IPHL)—in 1904.
In 1910, the National Hockey Association (NHA) was formed in Montreal.
After re-organizing as the National Hockey League (NHL) in 1917, the league expanded into the United States, starting with the Boston Bruins in 1924.

Identify differences between marketing sports and entertainment products

One difference between marketing sports and entertainment products is that sports products are generally consistent while entertainment products follow the latest fads and trends.Another difference is the loyalty shown to sports teams and franchises, even if a team is bad for a number of years many fans will still support them and pay to go see the games. This loyalty is not shown as much in the entertainment business. Another difference is that an entertainment event will most likely have more revenue than a sporting event ( unless it is a championship) events like the Grammies and Emmies can generate huge amount of revenues compared to a regular season baseball game.

                                           Blog Post #1

Hi, my name is Brett Blomquist I am a junior at Reading memorial High School and this is my Marketing Blog. I am very excited to learn about sports and entertainment marketing because I think it will help me in life. One thing about me is a hard worker and a good student.

                                           Blog Post #2

 In September before the season starts the Boston Bruins hold the annual Bruins foundation Golf tournament. This tournament involves both current and former players and raises a lot of money for the Bruins Foundation. The Boston Bruins foundation is a non-profit foundation whose mission is to assist charitable organizations that demonstrate a strong commitment to enhancing the quality of life for children throughout New England. This tournament fun for the player and raises money for a good cause.|BOS|Foundation The annual Bruins foundation Golf Tournament helps market the team by getting the name of the organization out there. This Tournament also benefits the Community by raising money for the Boston Bruins Foundation which helps the community by donating to charitable organizations. This charity helps the community and the Boston Bruins